#122 – Crocodile Fury

Movie Crocodile spirits, Where do I even begin.  I guess I’ll start by proclaiming I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.  As a story, all put together it doesn’t make total sense.  This is probably because it seems like two different movies where spliced together for no apparent reason to the viewer.  There’s a pretty solid A story, albeit highly imaginative and immersed in rape culture mystic fantasy that’s full of all sorts of comical plot holes.  But then there’s probably about 30 minutes or more of a random Jean-Claude Van Damme-esque priest-cop action suspense thriller involving a sorceress to summons zombie vampire ninjas for some reason, spliced into this movie and it really just distracts from the good stuff.  I believe someone even pointed out that the main characters from the story are never on screen with the “vampires” or sorceress from the other story.  I use the term vampires loosely

Continue reading#122 – Crocodile Fury

#33 – Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo

“It’s lemonade man… what’s wrong with these people?” But for real though Ice-T was pleasantly sprinkled throughout this movie as he was in the original iteration of this epic tale of interracial love in the inner city and the troubles that arise.  It was like Romeo & Juliet meets Kurtis Blow & Lionel Richie.  And you better believe there was most definitely some dancing on the ceiling in what can only be described as the single most awesome cinematography in any movie ever.

#25 – Action Jackson

So I guess I’ll handle the recap for this week.  Unfortunately I didn’t get any screenshots simply because I wasn’t expecting to do the honors.  Maybe we need to come up with an official routine for who is writing these things.  It could be as simple as do the recap for the movie you chose, obviously it should be put out no later than the following Thursday. Anyway let’s get to it.