Podcast 013 : Ghoulies 2

Dear Lord help us! We’ve gone back to the well already! It seemed like a good moment to go back to a simpler time when you could make a movie about little creatures terrorizing a small time traveling carnival and expect to make a tidy profit at the box office… or else we’re replacing you with ladies mud wrestling! Find out if we found this entertaining…

Podcast 012 : Hackers

The movie Hackers was a seminal film for one of the two Dads… at this point it’s probably obvious who, but I’ll let you find out inside. In this episode we try something a little new and invite two other parents to be a part of the fun… The 2 Moms!

Podcast 009 : Little Giants

Little Giants is a 199 family film that only one of us had fond memories of, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time with this light hearted feel good film. Does some of the plot not make sense on a basic level? sure. but lets look past that and look at it from the eyes of two dads who have little girls who sometimes want to tackle us and hurt us.