Movie Crocodile spirits, Where do I even begin. I guess I’ll start by proclaiming I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. As a story, all put together it doesn’t make total sense. This is probably because it seems like two different movies where spliced together for no apparent reason to the viewer. There’s a pretty solid A story, albeit highly imaginative and immersed in rape culture mystic fantasy that’s full of all sorts of comical plot holes. But then there’s probably about 30 minutes or more of a random Jean-Claude Van Damme-esque priest-cop action suspense thriller involving a sorceress to summons zombie vampire ninjas for some reason, spliced into this movie and it really just distracts from the good stuff. I believe someone even pointed out that the main characters from the story are never on screen with the “vampires” or sorceress from the other story. I use the term vampires loosely
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