Podcast 013 : Ghoulies 2

Dear Lord help us! We’ve gone back to the well already! It seemed like a good moment to go back to a simpler time when you could make a movie about little creatures terrorizing a small time traveling carnival and expect to make a tidy profit at the box office… or else we’re replacing you with ladies mud wrestling! Find out if we found this entertaining…

Podcast : 003 – Ghoulies

We tackle a movie that’s a blind spot for one of us and a classic for another. What do we thing about it? Listen and find out. Ghoulies is a movie that I was definatley aware of, but had never seen. I think I didn’t watch it when I was in my prime horror movie watching years and then it just never felt like the right movie to watch. But I was excited to tackle it when Q suggested it for a movie night watch.