#115 – Dollman

Tiny Movie Men, 

What can you do with a 13 inch man? 
This week we watched Dollman. I finally found a copy of it and we seem to have a system that works with twoseven. We should probably test out some of the other streaming options, but the google drive thing works for now. 


I feel like this movie started out with a big budget but then they used it all up and ended up at a rock quarry. The first scenes are set on another planet to establish that he’s a wildcard cop. it’s kind of like “Demolition Man”, he gets the job done. There’s a weird part where all the hostages are fat redheads that seems like it was some kind of joke/backstory thing, but like most things in this movie they never really explain it. 

After that they get zapped to Earth and into the mean streets of 1990 NYC. Then it kind of becomes ‘batteries not included’ but with drugs and guns. Dollman gets taken in by a hard working family and the bad guy… who is just a floating head… Did I mention that? I’m sure I would have mentioned that actually cool part of the movie… anyway teams up with the local gang leader. Jackie Earl Haley! and after one bad encounter with Dollman the floating head guy saves his life and heals him… with alien powers… and then gets unceremoniously squished. I feel that this is because they didn’t want to do the special effects anymore. After this the movie just kind of drags on and on.

I really can’t remember any great parts. It ends with Dollman assaulting the bad guy hangout, which is literally an abandoned construction site. 

This movie had promise. I think they just weren’t imaginative enough, there were some cool scenes with exploding body parts and interesting alien backstory. but they didn’t go far enough with any of them. and there were some fun campy doll guy effects (hanging on the side of the car) but they could have played that up much more. Solid C grade. Good effort.


  • This movie didn’t come out on DVD until 2005
  • The Dollman character has a post credits cameo in Bad Channels, where he is searching for a girl called Bunny, who was shrunk to be about his size.
  • 1993’s Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, a crossover sequel that uses a lot of archive footage to tell the back story of the various characters.
  • A four-issue comic book limited series printed by Eternity Comics.
  • A set of collectible cards.

We have watched a couple other Full Moon Entertainment movies (Castle Freak, Gingerdead man) but have stayed away from the main series they are famous for Puppet Master, Trancers, any shitty horror movie you’ve ever heard of) but if you want to look at a list of shit. check out their movies. 

Somebody else should pick next week… actually we may take next week off since it’s the day before Thanksgiving. But lets play that by ear.

If we let Jesse pick it’s going to be Greasy Strangler… just be warned!



Dollman is a 1991 American science fiction action film directed by Albert Pyun and starring Tim Thomerson as the space cop Brick Bardo, also known as "Dollman"; he is only 13 inches (33 cm) tall. Bardo is equipped with his "Kruger Blaster", which is the most powerful handgun in the universe. The film also stars Jackie Earle Haley as Bardo's human enemy, Braxton Red. "Brick Bardo" is a character name used by Albert Pyun in films dating back to his second film, Radioactive Dreams.

The film was produced by Full Moon Features, who also worked with Thomerson on the Trancers series. It was followed by a crossover sequel in 1993 called Dollman vs. Demonic Toys, which is also a sequel to Demonic Toys (1992) and Bad Channels (1992).

Dollman also had its own comic series published by Eternity Comics, who also made comics for other Full Moon films.

source : wikipedia

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