
#107.5 FP2: Beats of Rage

Movie Ninjas,  106.5 because we did watch the first episode of the youtube series ‘Wayne’ last week. Well we did a thing. We watched the FP again and then watched THE FP 2 : Beats of Rage. I’m probably not going to have a great recap of the FP2 because I had about 6 beers by then and it all kind of flowed together by the end.  I have to be honest, seeing it with Q did open my eyes a little. Maybe I’d just gotten a little complacent and just really wanted to like the movie based on the concept and craziness. But I guess I glossed over the copious use of ‘nigga’ by white people through out the movie. I’ve tried to research some of the reasons/excuses that Trost has given for the use in the first movie. They all seem to be basically what he told Q. I was trying to say something

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#106 – Wolfcop

Movie Wolves,  Well, we did it again. We unpacked a weird one tonight. We checked off one that has been on the list since the beginning and on my personal Netflix watch list since it was still on Netflix. We screened the 2014 opus… WOLFCOP. Facts, I can’t find many interesting facts about this one. It’s Canadian and it’s seemingly marketed at that 1980’s nostalgia market. You want that stupid 80’s movie vibe but you also are living in 2014, well do I have the movie for you.

#105 – Bachelor Party

Movie Bachelors,  Last week we watched a Tom Hanks movie that included a character called Max the Sexual Mule, It was the Green Mile… lol. NO! it was Bachelor Party. Now I would argue that all Mules are sexual, but that is not the point. The point is that the 80s were a weird time. A time when attempted rape was a joke and as long as you didn’t have sex with them you could have as many hookers at your bachelor party as you wanted.

#104 – The FP

Movie Chumbawumbas, This week we showed the 2012 classic “The FP” to some new unsuspecting members. I believe it’s firmly a movie that is better to quote later than to actually watch the first time. Unless you see it in theaters where other people are laughing at the questionable directions the plot takes. It’s not a perfect movie, but it’s just wacky enough to hit the sweet spot for me. Bad acting (on purpose?) weird dialog, weird plot, but it looks way better than a movie filmed for 45K should look. 

#102 – Three O’Clock High

Movie Students,  Last week we watched a movie so memorable that I forgot to do a write up for it. It had been on the list… since the beginning I think! It’s one of those movies that you’re sure you’ve seen but you can’t remember any part of it. Now I know why. It’s just by the book and not very memorable. 

#101 – Super Mario Brothers

Movie Brothers, So Mario Brothers… this was the first Video Game Movie, it’s known as a pretty big bomb and is not available on any streaming service. We had to download a copy that looked like it was stolen from Kazaa in 2000. But I personally think it holds up. I mean they didn’t have much to work with, I couldn’t tell you the backstory of Mario or even the world it takes place in. Really the only flaw in the movie is that it’s not MORE over the top. There’s nothing that stands out as like WOW THAT WAS INSANE. 

#100 – Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man

Movie Men,  This week #99 for the third straight week. We are really milking this 99th movie. We watched a movie that I knew existed, but had no real idea what it was about. I knew that it starred Mickey Rourke and that it wasn’t very good. But I was actually surprised, it was pretty well made it’s just that the plot didn’t make a lot of sense. Actually it kind of reminds me of that Nic Cage – WIllam defoe one we watched a couple ones back. It’s got some great scenes, they just don’t come together as a movie. 

#99 – The Blood of Heroes

Movie Juggers,  This week we went back to that joyous time called the 1980s. A time when you could convince someone to give you money for… and star in… a movie about post apocalyptic Quidditch. It was a weird time. It was a weird movie. They didn’t do a very good job explaining WHY this was happening… or really what was happening in the sport. I guess since you couldn’t just have some kind of zombie Marv Albert commentating on the play by play it was kind of hard to explain the rules. The rules seem to be, teams of 4? and you you have to have one guy using the giant Q-tip, one guy using the swinging chain ladder, one guy using the long hook thing, and one quick running around guy. The objective seems to be… just to get the dog skull onto the spike, no other rules. but all the types of

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#98 – Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky

Movie Prisoners,  Chris G didn’t think we could handle the slowness of a 2 hour movie even if it contained a Nic Cage chainsaw fight at some point. So we went back into the vault and found  “Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky” and sweet lord was it glorious.  I’m not well versed in the Kung-Fu movies, I went through a little bit of a Bruce Lee / Jackie Chan phase in high school, but I stuck to the classics. So this was not on my radar.